Friday, September 19, 2008

Look Who's 7 !

I can't believe my little guy turned 7 today. I don't know how these years are escaping me! So our busy day today started out with a few presents...

...and then his first grade class took their first field trip to a local wildlife museum where they were able to see a bald eagle and a mountain lion. They were even able to pet a snake and visit with an owl. Watch out! Those owl talons are SHARP!

...tonight we're heading out to the local ice cream parlor in support of a fundraiser for Darren's elementary school and in celebration of his big day.

Tomorrow we're headed off to our last Oakland A's baseball game of the season (thankfully ending their miserable and depressing season!) Then I need to rest up for Darren's big birthday party this Sunday. What a weekend this is going to be! Wish me luck!

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