Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer is Here!

Last Thursday was our last day of school. Here's my guy demonstrating how happy he is:

The weekend before we took a quick trip to a local county park {never again during a weekend holiday...too much riff-raff if you know what I mean!} and tested out our new trailer. We had quite the gang show up on Saturday for a BBQ!

Yesterday I ran my first half marathon

13.1 glorious miles.

Here are Ginger and I before the race:

The crowd {there were about 3,500 runners total}


And us after the race:

We got in at just under 3 hours. The distance between mile 9 and 10 seemed to go on FOREVER! But once we hit the 10-mile marker we were able to imagine the finish line. Stupid me for not thinking of wearing sunscreen. I am currently the owner of a MAJOR sunburn on my shoulders and back. Yeah, not smart.

This coming week we leave for 5 fun-filled camping days at Gualala River Redwood Park. There are 6 families from town all camping together in one loop. It should make for an adventurous time! 

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