Tuesday, September 1, 2009

a new challenge blog and some photos

If you haven't heard, there's a new challenge blog that premiered today. It's called Point Blank Period. The Design Team is a list of who's who in the scrapbooking world so you should check it out if you haven't already. I've already snagged myself their blinkie! Rock it out, girls!

I plan to participate in their first challenge as I am planning to start working on a book of "Me" and their first challenge is me-oriented. {Check out Cocoa Daisy's forum's "daily prompt" which is what I am going to follow.}

The closest I've been to scrapping about myself was a daily journal I did in a class by Kerri Lynn. On a side note - did you see KL's Kenner Road sneak-peeks for September? Her specialty kit, "Cautionary Tale" looks like something fun to do for Halloween.

So I spent the past 4 days last weekend camping in Big Sur with a group of friends and we all had a blast! It was incredibly hot so we spent all of Saturday {literally!} in the river. The water was cold but refreshing and the kids swam, splashed and rafted 'til their hearts' content. Here are a few pics from the trip. Enjoy!

I took Darren out of school for 2 days so the poor guy still had to do his classwork and
homework. Aren't I a good mommy?!?

Oh, and today's 5-mile run felt like I hadn't run in a week. Oh, wait...I think it HAS been a week!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Hi! Found you through Point Blank Period (I did their first challenge, too). Man, I wish I lived in Cali! ;)