Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009: Bring it on!

Happy New Year everyone! I am not a believer in new year's resolutions but I am definitely hopeful for a brighter year in 2009. I am counting down the days until President-elect Obama's inauguration on January 20th. What an historical moment that will be!

Although I didn't bother to stay up until midnight to ring in the new year we did go to my mother-in-laws for her delicious gumbo. We hurried home in order to let our dog in the house since she is terrified of fireworks and tends to do damage to herself and the exterior of our house while trying to claw herself inside.

Darren and I did manage to take a day trip (yes, a DAY trip!) to Yosemite with Ginger and her boys on Tuesday. The drive over was quick. We were playing in the snow before noon and left at dusk. We spent the day at Ginger's friend's cabin in Yosemite. The pictures below are in his backyard which is Yosemite Meadow. Talk about a postcard view! It was a beautifully clear day with no wind and powder-fresh snow.

Ginger and I built a small hill for the kids to ride down on the sled. Snowball fights were the order of the day and lots of photo ops were had. All in all, a great day but a LONG ride home in fog once we got down into the valley.


A Soldier Girl said...


Cathy said...

Thanks for inviting me ;) Just kidding, glad you had a beautiful day up there!

Unknown said...

Awesome pictures Diane- Looks like you all had a great time :)

Ginger Dougherty said...

That was such a fun day trip!!!